Saturday, September 26, 2009

Working on it...

I'm still working on Ashes' biography...turns out that it's going to be a bit of a bigger project than I'd originally envisioned, but I think I can probably have it done within a week or two. It turns out that 10 years and multiple moves together ends up being a lot of history. A lot of her history and a lot of mine. To do it justice will take some time, but I'll take it. I want to remember her as completely as I can.

So it goes.

Jun and I are headed over to her folks place tonight for some sushi and really...really...nice sake. Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm soon going to have to add sake to my ever-growing list of snobberies.

So it also goes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bye Sara.

Well, I just put Sara on the train a few hours ago, and she is now somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. We had a really good time at the onsen and around Tokyo, and I'll be putting up some pics sometime soon. It's been a nice distraction from the loss of my kitty, but I still owe Ashes a full accounting of our time together, so I'll be working on that in the next few days.

I already miss Sara (eeenchhh).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sadness.

My cat, Ashes, passed away this week. I'm planning on writing a long blog about as many memories of her as I can dredge up, but I can't actually work up the willpower right at the moment.

I loved my sweet kitty. I'll miss her for the rest of my days.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Needing to get back in the habit...

I've gotten out of the habit of updating this thing since summer vacation and my trip to Oregon.  I don't really have a particularly good excuse, I've just been distracted by life back in Tokyo, I guess.

I started work last week, and everything went pretty smoothly.  The junior high is usually easy, and I think I'm hitting a pretty high level of comfort with the elementary school.  It's definitely more challenging, but practice goes a long way toward smoothing things out.

In other news, Jun and I will be moving in together soon.  I basically live at her apartment, as it is now, and that doesn't seem likely to change any time soon.  We have to work out some of the specifics in term of storing some of my stuff, since the place is not large, but I don't foresee any problem.  We'll either get a storage room somewhere else or buy a little storage cabinet to keep out on the balcony, which is actually bigger than the apartment...might as well put it to use.

I'm DJing on Friday at a party for a bartender...I need to practice up a little, but it should got pretty smoothly, I think.  I'll be heading to my local electronics store to hijack some of their gear a few times this week.  I'm seriously considering picking up more gear, but that seems like a bad idea, maybe.  I still have a lot of stuff back home, and it'd probably make more sense to just have it shipped over.

Anyway, I'm going to try to blog a bit more than I have, lately.  It's cathartic, and it lets people know what I've been up to.  It's easy to write when things are shitty, but it's a little harder to pull out the inspiration when things are going I guess things have been going well.  Yay, me.