Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Busy, busy, busy.

I've been working a lot with my new DJ software and hardware, and my work is starting to bear fruit.  The problem is that a music collection as massive as mine requires and enormous amount of preparation time, in total, to prepare it for full use with the software.  I can just load a track and play it, but there are a lot more options available if I do the prep work ahead of time.  Sometimes it's really painless...others, not so much.

In other news, I've also been working on a short story.  I wrote it both as a stand alone story, and as a potential opening chapter to a larger work.  My 1st draft is done, in any case, and maybe now I can think about writing a follow up short story (or chapter 2, if you prefer).


Monday, January 11, 2010

Too long!

I've been super busy working on a bunch of new music stuff recently, so I haven't been spending much time bloggin'. So, let's recap:

The holidays are over now. I started work last week after a nice, long vacation. There wasn't a whole lot of relaxing going on during vacation, but it was long.

Christmas was in Korea and New Year's was spent at Jun's parents' house. Both were fun and interesting, although Korea was a bit difficult, at times. I missed my family during the Xmas season (duhh). Jun's parents' place was a good time. Her brother and sister-in-law came over with their two kids, ages 6 and 8, and there was much tickling. We also ate and drank a lot of great food and sake, respectively.

On New Year's Day, we visited a shrine and then walked around a bit. More good times were had.

So, last week I only had one day of class and this week I'll be having 4 days...it's a short week. Yay.

There's the recap. Current projects include: putting together a DJ night here in Tokyo, practicing said DJing, and working on some remixing. I've been fairly tightly focused on the music, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while.

Done! More soon!