Friday, May 14, 2010


I deleted my facebook account a couple of days ago. The privacy settings had become ridiculously convoluted, and the simple fact is that I no longer trust them with my personal information. I shouldn't have to constantly update my privacy settings in order to make sure that a website isn't spreading my information all over the web. Facebook's CEO has basically said that he doesn't think that their users' privacy is important, and, I'm sorry, that's just not acceptable.

Other stuff: Today I taught the first graders today at one of my schools for the first time. It was funny...they were excited, and probably a little scared, I think. One little girl was right on the verge of crying when it was her turn to introduce herself to me...she couldn't talk in front of the class, and I could tell she was about to lose it, so I smiled and gently sent her back to her seat. The Japanese teacher comforted her a little, but she still shed a couple of tears. Nothing too major, but I didn't want her to be traumatized by her first English class, so I came back to that class for lunch. I was glad to see that she was fine, and she came up to me and talked to me a couple of times, sans tears, and she helped out when a couple of the kids decided to give me a spontaneous back rub. I'll take it. They love touching me, for some reason.

I'm still working on the story of Jun's grandma's funeral, and it's turning out to be a bit more epic than intended. I'll try to wrap it up in the not-too-distant future.