Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer vaction and DJing!!

So, I taught my last classes today for the next six weeks! I am excited. I still have to work a bit, but it's all more or less silly training exercises...I literally have to be at work for about 3 hours a day. Following that, we're supposed to do some reading and possibly some worksheets, but I'm thinking that it will be pretty light. Nice. I also have 3 weeks off, paid, which is AWESOME! I'd like to do some traveling around Japan, but I have to do some research first. The summer months here are going to be hot as hell, but I should be OK. Maybe I can find a nice place in the mountains to go camping or something.

Tonight I am going to meet a friend of mine and discuss my DJ night at the new club in Aoyama. I'm really frickin' excited about hooking this up. I have a lot of work to do, though. I need to name the night, put out a flyer, and scare up at least one more DJ. I'm planning on playing a long set, though, so I think I can get away with just one more person DJing. The important thing is to get as many of my friends and their friends there as possible. I should be able to fill it up, and that's good for my friend's business and it's good for me. Assuming all goes well, I can start eventually charging a door cover and paying my DJs (and myself). However, above making money, the main goal is to have a fun party. If I can make that happen regularly, then money will follow. Guess we'll find out, won't we?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Weirdness.

This week, I've had the joyous fortune to be struck down by yet another bout of horrible illness. Yay! Super-duper fun. I had a fever of 39 degrees and missed 3 days of school, which is totally awesome. My company probably won't fire me.

Jun and I went out for yakitori, tonight, and had a couple of beers. While we were in the tiny restaurant, we began discussing the start of the Iraq war, an emotional topic for both of us. The conversation grew quite heated, even though we were both in total agreement. It was just a high level of intensity. After we finished our food and beer, I suggested that we leave. It was around that time that we both noticed that the entire place had become deathly quiet. The other customers were giving us odd looks, and we simultaneously realized that they were under the assumption that we were having a pretty significant argument of some sort. Jun apparently picked up a lot of sympathetic looks, and I picked up a couple of really quick, not-very-friendly looks. She had been more overtly agitated than I had been, so we later drew the conclusion that they had surmised that I had committed some sort of grievance against her, which she was airing out.

It was a strange example of miscommunication, where the reaction to our conversation had nothing to do with our actual conversation. It was a really bizarre experience, overall.