Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer vaction and DJing!!

So, I taught my last classes today for the next six weeks! I am excited. I still have to work a bit, but it's all more or less silly training exercises...I literally have to be at work for about 3 hours a day. Following that, we're supposed to do some reading and possibly some worksheets, but I'm thinking that it will be pretty light. Nice. I also have 3 weeks off, paid, which is AWESOME! I'd like to do some traveling around Japan, but I have to do some research first. The summer months here are going to be hot as hell, but I should be OK. Maybe I can find a nice place in the mountains to go camping or something.

Tonight I am going to meet a friend of mine and discuss my DJ night at the new club in Aoyama. I'm really frickin' excited about hooking this up. I have a lot of work to do, though. I need to name the night, put out a flyer, and scare up at least one more DJ. I'm planning on playing a long set, though, so I think I can get away with just one more person DJing. The important thing is to get as many of my friends and their friends there as possible. I should be able to fill it up, and that's good for my friend's business and it's good for me. Assuming all goes well, I can start eventually charging a door cover and paying my DJs (and myself). However, above making money, the main goal is to have a fun party. If I can make that happen regularly, then money will follow. Guess we'll find out, won't we?

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