Friday, June 25, 2010

Cloudy day.

The rainy season is officially in full swing in Tokyo. Warm and super muggy will quickly turn to hot and super muggy until fall comes in September. Fortunately, I have a big chunk of time off during the summer, and this is good because, of my 3 schools, only 1 is air conditioned in the classrooms. When it's hot out, I wake up sweating and continue to sweat until I get home and flip on the AC. It's not that great, but you get used to it.

Other news...not much, right now. I started working on a new's coming along, but I'm having some trouble getting the introduction right where I want it. It'll all work out in the end.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So, I went back to the pool yesterday after a long respite. I'd had a nasty cold on and off for about a month or so, but it appears that I've kicked, back to the pool. I'm sore today, but I'll survive. It's always interesting to go to the pool because I'm invariable the only white guy there and the other swimmers are always pretty curious about me. A couple of tattoos and piercings undoubtedly attract attention, in addition to the fact that I'm a) not Japanese and b) have body hair. I'm used to people staring a bit, but the intensity level definitely gets cranked up in situations where there aren't many clothes involved. It doesn't really bother me.

I've been creatively stagnating a bit, so it might be time for another music project. I'm planning on slowing down some Robert Johnson tracks, but that's actually pretty mindless in creative terms, so I'm thinking it might be about time for another original track. We'll see what happens.