Friday, September 17, 2010


I have 10 minutes to write a thoughtful, cogent post before my next class.  I'm also a bit hungover and have had less than the ideal amount of sleep.  Ahhh, a challenge.

Yesterday was the first day that I can remember in recent history when I felt happy.  I'm referring to actual happiness over the course of an extended period of time, as opposed to just a moment or two of fleeting joy smack dab in the center of an ocean of low-level depression.  Yesterday the weather finally...FINALLY...really broke, and we had a legitimately cool day and glorious, glorious rain.  The rain was too heavy in the morning, but a perfect Oregonian drizzle for the rest of the day. 

I went to my friend's art show opening.  I had a quick dinner with my roommates.  I DJed.  I came home to my roommates having a few late night drinks, in which I also partook.

As I was speed-walking in the cool rain to the bar in Koenji where I've recently been DJing, it felt like a million pounds had lifted off of my shoulders.  Seriously...fuck Tokyo summers. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

New room and a haircut.

I moved downstairs from my old room. It was pretty much awful on every conceivable level, but the new one is actually about 75% of the way to moderate niceness. 25 years ago, it was probably awesome. It's Japanese style, which means that there's a lot of wood and frames and paper and stuff. The paper, naturally, has a few holes in it. Technically, it's a tatami (woven straw mats) room, but the mats were long ago covered up with some moderately horrible wood-esque flooring. It doesn't look terrible, but the tatami would be a lot better if they weren't, undoubtedly, hideously stained. The floor has this generally mushy feeling, which is characteristic of tatami, but floors all over the house have kind of a similar feeling to them. This place won't last another 10 years, which is kind of a shame because there are very few houses left in Tokyo that are this old.

Other stuff: I'm organizing my stuff in a bid to throw out a god-awful plastic drawer thing where I was keeping everything. Jun hated it and I have developed a strong aversion to it, myself. I picked up 2 or 3 small plastic bins and have been going through it. I'm surprised to find that it all fits into a pretty small amount of space. Apparently organization really *is* important. See, I'm learning new things. My room is a bit of a disaster right now, but progress is being made. Might have it all put away tonight, I dunno.

More stuff: I've been DJing pretty regularly. I think I'm on track to DJ every weekend this month, actually. It's keeping me busy searching out new and improved music for the people. I've also been out to the clubs. After 13 years DJing, I'm a pretty big fan of dancing, if the music is up to par.

One more item of stuff: I talked to my friend Karen last night, and it was good to hear her friendly voice. She's going to send a care package, which is officially awesome. I'm grateful.

Last: I got a haircut today. I'm a little surprised that I made it this long, especially in this christ-awful heat, but it's pretty fucking short at the moment. I don't doubt that I'll grow it out a bit again in the not-terribly-distant future, but it's nice to have a low maintenance head again.