Saturday, January 28, 2012

Earthquake Stories.

So, the fact of the matter is that I was way, way too hungover to write anything interesting during the Time of the Quake, but it was a fascinating time to be in Tokyo. I should probably write a few of these down.

First of all, the liver abuse. So epic. It turns out that not going to work for a couple of weeks during a possible apocalypse scenario is an irresistible license to party your face off, which I did. Vigorously. I met up with my friend...let's just call him AW...and his girlfriend in Osaka. Prior to his unfortunate relocation out of the country, AW was legendary for being a core member of a group of the cheapest drunks in Tokyo. We happened to be staying at the same shitty, dirt-cheap hotel, and we decided to go out clubbing. I knew a guy in Osaka who DJs all the time and was pretty well connected, so we were going to meet up with him at one of the millions of imitation Irish pubs that you can apparently find in every big city in Japan. Prior to that meeting, though, AW bought a bottle of shochu, which is basically potato/rice vodka. The evil thing about it, though, is that it's about half as strong, which makes it super...super...easy to over indulge. We killed a bottle between the two of us in about 20 or 30 minutes, and holy fuck, was that a bad idea.

I will finish this story a little later. Time for bed.

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