Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some recent changes.

Saturday was a fairly momentous day. I went to the doctor to hear about some lab test results, and he told me that I probably have a mild case of pancreatitis. Not so great. The condition is aggravated, and possibly caused by, the use of alcohol, so that means that I'm officially on the wagon. I haven't had a drink for a week and a half...I'm assuming that I'll be able to resume moderate consumption of alcohol at some point in the future, but I'm not sure when (or if) that will be the case.

I'm actually OK with it. I've definitely been drinking more since I got to Tokyo, but the results are, per usual, less than stellar. Unless I drink fairly impressively massive amounts of booze, alcohol doesn't have generally have a huge affect on me in terms of behavioral modification. If I've had enough that it does, then chances are pretty good that the behavior modification isn't going to be to my liking. So, if I drink the way that I usually do, which is to say, not to the point of being really fucking wasted, then it doesn't really alter my behavior or mindset particularly. What does that tell us? Well, it tells me that I've been wasting a lot of money on a drug that ultimately doesn't really effect me that much, other than to give me really shitty hangovers. Wheeeeee. The really stupid thing is that I don't need it to have fun in social situations and it's not a social lubricant for me any more. I'm fine without it, but you just get into these habits and then don't think about them much.

As previously noted, if it does effect me greatly, it's often detrimental. So...yeah.

Saturday night I DJed again in Daikanyama. Many of my friends came and we had a nice time at the bar, although the sound system really is terribly underpowered. It's not a nightclub. Afterward, however, we *did* go to a nightclub, and that was fantastic. The cover was pretty high, but the not-drinking definitely heavily subsidizes a night out on the town. A woman who I've been interested in pursued me to the club at the behest of her friends, and we ended up having a nice time together. I've really been closed off since I got here, for a variety of reasons, but my recent decision to open myself up has rather astonishingly quickly resulted in my finding myself in the delightful company of this beautiful, intelligent, quirky woman. Some of the closing off was simply due to my location, way out of the way in Ichikawa, but a lot of it was also fear of repeating my experience with my last girlfriend, and some other things that are maybe a little too deep for this venue.

In any case, I don't have any particular expectations, one way or the other, out of this situation, but it's been nice so far and I wouldn't mind more niceness in my life after the 6 months of shit sandwich that I've been choking down.

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