Monday, June 22, 2009

Email updates, summer in Tokyo, and misc. crap.

I've set this bad boy up so that I can email blog updates.  It'll allow me to update from anywhere, but, more importantly, it'll allow me to securely update the blog from school via my encrypted gmail account while I'm killing time.  I don't necessarily want anyone at school stumbling across this thing.  I am a fan of the privacy.  If I go to the website, then it gets logged deep in the bowels of the school system's proxy server, and I'm not a fan of that.  Call me's OK, I admit it. However, if I email it...then it's just another email that they theoretically can't read without putting me under some serious observation. Then they have to translate it.

Today was the first day of summer in Tokyo, and, good lord, it felt like it.  It wasn't hot, really, at all...I think it was about 80 or so...but the humidity was a mere 94%.  Walking outside effectively felt like taking a shower without being anywhere near a shower.  It's going to be hellish when it actually gets hot, which may actually be as soon as tomorrow.  I don't really care at this point, although I think that the days of running my computer 24/7 are coming to a close until things cool down again in a few months. 

Other news:  I am moving again next week to another guesthouse in Mitaka.  I'm pretty happy about it since realizing that my current guesthouse is your basic shithole.  I didn't particularly have that opinion when I first moved in, but I was mainly just happy not to have to travel 1.5 hours to work every day.  That happiness and joy lasted about 3 or 5 weeks, when I started my new job, when I re-commenced traveling all the frickin' way across Tokyo.  Anyway.  Soon, I'll be about 20 minutes from work, the way God intended it.

Awright, I think I'm done for the day.  Let's try out this email thing...

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