Sunday, August 23, 2009

Long time coming.

Due to a surprise party for my dad back in the States, I had to stop the blogging for a while. When nearly your every thought is centered on an upcoming even, it makes it difficult to concentrate on others things.

In any case, the surprise party was a huge success. My sister, Sara, flew in from LA and I made the trip from Tokyo. Further adding to the surprise, my girlfriend, Jun, came along as well. The parents had no idea that we were in town, or, in my case, the freaking country. I think you, my dear reader, can imagine the shock.

Sara, Jun, and myself were sitting on the back porch at my brother's place in Oregon wine country. My brother, Jeff, had carefully set the trap, with the help of my aunt and uncle, also in town from California, and now all that remained was to spring it. My parents came out onto the back porch and around the side of the house where we were sitting.

My mom took one look at my sister, whom she had spoken to (in the airport) that morning and screamed and clapped her hands together. She then looked to her left and saw me, screamed a little louder, and clapped again. She then looked slightly further to the left and saw Jun, whose picture she had only seen, and screamed a final, third time...the loudest and perhaps most delighted scream of the three. She then promptly broke into tears. Meanwhile, my dad's jaw was very nearly literally on the ground...he was basically dumbfounded.

So, we had a nice round of hugs with everyone and proceeded to drink beer and eat barbecue and have a generally fine time. Jun took to my family like a fish to water and they took to her with great, great delight, which I think reflects very well on all parties involved. In addition to the intrinsic rewards of being home in Oregon, spending time in its natural beauty with my incredibly wonderful and loving friends and family, it was amazing to see it all through Jun's eyes. She absolutely fell in love with everyone she met, and was constantly awed by the Oregon scenery. One of the things that I think I'll never forget about the trip were her constantly murmured expressions of awe. She is a wonderful person.

So, I owe great, great thanks to my brother and sister, who sprung for my ticket, and especially to my brother for generously lending me my old car so that would could get around hassle free. Good god, what a time. Awesome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ryan, It's good to be catching up w/ you on your blog! I totally didn't know you were back in Oregon. I'm sorry I missed you.

Daniel (Tasty)