Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall does come to Japan, sooner or later.

It's 2:30 in the morning, and I'm about to head to bed after a long week with little sleep. Getting up early has never been my strong spot, and I'm finding that my Tokyo internal clock is no different than anywhere else. I'd harbored hopes, initially following the jet lag, that I might be able to reset my schedule, but...alas. I am a night owl born and bred.

I started work this week and everything went very well. I made it in on time every day, despite the best efforts of Tokyo's train system to thwart me, and my boss is apparently impressed with my rapport with the students. He offered me visa sponsorship and a full time position, which is officially a Huge Deal in the big scheme of me making it work here. I had another interview scheduled for next week with another company, but they want me to work for a week, in "training," without the benefit of pay...I'm confident that I could have gotten the job, but I'm not so cool with working...*ahem*...I mean training...without pay.

I've been thinking a lot about Iowa over the last day or tow, and how my life over the last year has become strangely intertwined with events that occurred there, past and present. It's strange to think of it fondly after so many years of repudiation and disdain. It feels a lot more adult, on a certain level, to feel this strange and deep connection with it, instead of railing against a place that can't feel or appreciate my angst. In some ways, I can visualize Iowa more vividly than Portland, which is really odd. Maybe I'm just too fresh out of P-town, or view it more as home, or something. I don't know.

I'm listening to a Fugees tune...super mellow, beautiful. I'm tired...going to bed now. Goodnight, blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've had similar feelings about Iowa in recent years. Decorah is actually a beautiful, surprisingly progressive little town filled with some really good people. And, it's always better to put negative feelings about the past behind you, especially when those feelings may not quite accurately reflect reality (what teenager doesn't hate the hometown, after all?). In any case, keep up the good work, in more ways than one :) We miss you!