Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday night.

I'm fighting a cold, but I had a few drinks with the roommates tonight, anyway. I'm the oldest one in the house, right now, which is a strange feeling after being the young one so for long, in another life. I guess I'm all that young any more, although I don't have any illusions that I'm old yet. As soon as I try to argue that I'm old, I'll have someone with 20 years on me tell me that I'm a never fails. Sooooo annoying. Regardless, it was fun to hang out with them. We had a good time.

Tomorrow I'm hanging out with some of the Wayo girls and bringing my roommates Karl and Andrew along. It should be a good time. We're going drinking, so I hope that the cold settles down a bit. Time will tell, I guess.

Next week: I have Monday off, and then I'd like some acupuncture, and then maybe I will have Friday off. Friday for me is Thursday in the States, so it will be kind of like having Thanksgiving off. Friday night we are having a Thanksgiving party, so I'll celebrate as best I should be fun. I'll be missing home a lot, of course, but I think I'll save that for a later post.

Goodnight, world.

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