Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Last week was pretty exhausting and so I took the weekend to recover and try to relax for a bit. I've been getting up at 6am and getting home at 11pm, so the time off was nice. Really nice.

I haven't been writing much because there really isn't much to report. Now that I'm working, things are becoming more routine and less interesting. When I start making money that I don't have to hoard for food and commuting expenses, then I think things will get a little more exciting again.

I'm going to make an appointment for acupuncture today for my leg. I went in for an MRI and they wanted me to pay for it on the spot...I told them about 8 times that I didn't have the cash and had to speak to 3 different people before they finally got it through their heads. I was speaking in Japanese, too, for god's sake. Sometimes people assume that foreigners are functionally retarded.

So, anyway. I ended up taking off and got a call back saying that they could do it for 20,000 yen, but that's still too much. I'd rather spend the money on 2 or 3 sessions of acupuncture, at this point, than waste my time and money on an expensive diagnosis before I even start my first treatment. So, screw it. Acupuncture, here I come.

Yeah. So. Things are going all right...could be better, but could be worse. I can live with that.

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