Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pops and the weekend.

First things first: my dad is back in the hospital. They apparently don't think it's serious, but that's what they said last time. So, I am concerned, but he's where he needs to be. He is *not* having a heart attack, so that's the main thing.

So, the weekend. Jun and I went to her parents place to have dinner with her folks, brother, sister-in-law, and niece and nephew, whom she refers to as "The Little Monsters." Well, shockingly, they pretty much fell in love with me at first sight, particularly her nephew, Koki, who is 5. They are both adorable.

We had sashimi (sushi without rice patties, just slices of fish), and I handrolled sushi rolls for the first time. We had beer and some really nice 日本酒 (sake) from Nigata prefecture, which is where Jun's father was born.

Her parents were great...really nice and very welcoming. We spoke almost entirely in Japanese, of course, and I did pretty well, overall. Jun had to step in and translate occasionally, but that's to be expected. It's getting easier and easier to have basic conversations, but I still have a long, long, long way to go. They seemed to like me a lot, which made both of us happy.

After dinner I played with the kids and, naturally, there was a lot of giggling and yelling. Koki ended up crying and bleeding, also naturally. I don't know what it is about children and bleeding, but I've seen enough bloody children to last a lifetime...

Anyway. It was really nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's not just children and bleeding. it's YOU and children and bleeding. you are apparently quite dangerous for the young ones. it's a good thing they like you so much. :)