Monday, February 9, 2009


So, I should probably rename this blog to Incredibly Epic Tales of Uncertainty and Hardship in Tokyo, because that seems to be an unfortunately common state for me here. My dad noted that life is a roller coaster, and it is true, true, true.

Saturday is a prime example. On Saturday, I received my paycheck for the month of January. I knew that it would be light, thanks to the week and a half national holiday, during which I did not work, but my boss decided to retroactively give all the employees at our company a pay cut. Thanks, boss, and fuck you. I'll be finding a new job directly. The end result is that I have a well sub-poverty paycheck for the month of February and mounting debts from school, credit cards, and other assorted sources. I am very, very seriously considering staying here another year so that I can stabilize my financial situation. I only have about 15 months before I had previously scheduled my return to the's not much time to complete my financial goals. Ultimately, it's not enough time, thanks to the apparently fucking endless financial setbacks that I must suffer here.

Saturday evening, however, I DJed at a swanky little bar in a wealthy part of Tokyo. It was packed, and I played a nice set. My new friends in Tokyo made up a very significant portion of the attendees and my network here is growing stronger, for which I am grateful.

I've DJed for over 11 years, so I'm not unused to being the center of attention at the various events at which I have performed over the years, but the minor celebrity status that I experienced on Saturday was far, far beyond anything I've dealt with before. To say that the Japanese women in attendance were "interested" in my performance would be an incredibly massive understatement. It would have almost been uncomfortable if it hadn't been so fucking fun.

So, anyway. The roller coaster goes up, and the roller coaster goes down. So it goes. I'll be finding a new job soon, and moving soon, and everything will change again, for better or worse. As it does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! For Dj'ing in Central Tokyo!!! How interested were the ladies in your **ahem** performance?

Sorry bout the trials and tribulations.. but that's life mate.