Friday, February 27, 2009

Job situation.

I had a job interview this morning, and it went pretty well despite not a whole lot of sleep and a huge fucking distraction tossed in my lap yesterday. I'll probably write about the distraction in a day or two, but I'd like to process it for a bit and see if I can wrangle any more interesting conclusions out of it.

I'm most interested in a position teaching elementary schoolchildren as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher). The job will allow me to interact with kids, which I like, and I'll be working in Japanese public schools, which will massively improve my Japanese. The work isn't difficult, and it sounds like I'll only be actually teaching for about 4 hours a day, while the rest of my time at work can be used to study Japanese and more or less relax. I'm also lining up work through a guy I know in western Tokyo (actually Kanagawa), and I may just ending up working for him full-time if he can get me enough work. It's looking more and more probable, though, that I'll have at least 2 or 3 jobs over the course of the next year. After my contract expires, in April 2010, I'm considering a move to Osaka, which is on the other side of the main island of Japan. I hear the people are more outgoing, which would be really nice. People in Tokyo often have a look on their face that I usually equate with having a 2x4 rammed painfully up the ass.

I have a Canadian friend coming to couchsurf with me for the next week or so. We met in S. Korea, and she's pretty cool, so it should be fun. I have to work a lot, but nothing new there...