Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving at last.

I didn't post much last week because nothing had really changed all that much and I had been feeling pretty down about missing my first family Thanksgiving in...hmmm...forever, maybe. I don't really like spending all of my time on this blog bitching, so I'd rather not write if things aren't going all that well.

So, last night was a break from the recent trend. I was invited by a co-worker to a Thanksgiving party near my work, so, despite the hour-long train ride, I made the trek over to the party. It was a good idea.

There were several of my co-workers in attendance, as well as a number of friendly Japanese women. It was nice to have a large dose of female energy, because I live in a Casa de Vatos (House of Dudes). I didn't really click with any of them in a romantic sense, but one of my married co-workers is officially on a mission to set me up with one of her friends, so we'll just see how that all goes.

In other good news, my social calendar is finally starting to fill up after a couple of long, lonely months. Next weekend, I am busy Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, and I might even be able to work in a Thursday night, if I play my cards right. Saturday night will include a keg of homebrew and I'm almost desperate for a decent fucking beer, so that is an exciting development, indeed. Additionally, I get paid on Saturday...also very, very exciting.

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