Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weekend update.

Last weekend was interesting. On Saturday night, I went out with some friends to one of the local watering holes. It's one of the Irish-Pub-In-A-Box bars that have become so popular, apparently all around the world. Lots of dark wood and dim lighting, and it had flat screen TVs for the soccer fans, of which there were many. These things are literally shipped abroad, from Ireland, as kits that will be put together by guys from

It was a relief to be in a western-style bar, frankly, because I've become a little worn out by the izakayas, or Japanese-style bars. Sometimes I just want a fucking beer, and not an endless stream of food that I didn't order and usually can't identify. Don't get me wrong, it's (usually) delicious, but it also involves an unfamiliar cultural and linguistic ritual that can be a little stressful, under the best of times, let alone with the addition of lots of alcohol. Although, speaking Japanese can be a little easier with the application of a little booze, strangely enough. Maybe the relaxation has something to do with it. Anyway.

I went with a married couple and one of their friends. It was fun. I'll probably head back there sometime in the near future.

On Sunday night, I went to an izakaya with some of the Wayo girls, and we gorged on spectacular Japanese food and chased it down with a little beer and sake (considerably less than the night before). It was also fun.

I've been working on a secret project that will be unveiled in the near future, but it has distracted me from my mission to teach myself Python, a coding language. Usually, I find myself getting bored by these sorts of things and loose interest after a while, but I think that it would be pretty useful to be able to write code in at least one language, especially if I end up in intellectual property. On that note: I verified that I can take my LSATs in Tokyo, which is a big, big relief. Aside from the expense of traveling to the U.S. to take the exam, the stress of the trip and terrible jet lag would be a shitty, shitty way to set myself up to take a pretty big-ass test that will have a serious impact on my life. So, yeah. Big things are a-coming.

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