Saturday, December 27, 2008

Well, I thought Christmas Eve was bad...

My Christmas was so horrible that it was actually almost comical. If it hadn't been so horrible, that is.

I woke up at precisely 7:05, having gone to bed a little late and a little drunk on Christmas Eve. 7:05 is an important time because it is the exact minute that the last train that I can catch to make it to work on time leaves Ichikawa station, which is no less than a 20 minute walk from my house. So, I started Christmas with the knowledge that I would be 20 minutes late for my first class. Lovely.

On the train to work, I noticed that I was nauseous. REALLY nauseous. Now, this in itself wasn't that weird, because I had, after all, been drinking the night before, but I really didn't think that I'd had THAT much to drink. Something was amiss. I quickly noticed that I was also having fairly terrible stomach cramps. Joy.

While teaching my classes, my nose started running like a gasket had blown somewhere in the back of my head. Awesome. I kept excusing myself to go blow my nose outside of the's considered rude to blow your nose in front of people. I don't really care when I'm on my own time, but I want to be respectful when I'm teaching, at least. So, I was increasingly feeling god-awful. In my last class, my student kept asking if I was OK and I kept insisting that I was cool. Until, that is, the horrible stomach cramps cranked it up a notch. My face was apparently registering quite a bit of pain because my student finally insisted that we should continue later. I grudgingly said OK, and we stopped. It was a good thing that we stopped, because 5 minutes later I was in the bathroom vomiting with the force of a pretty large firehose.

This story is a little too big for one post, so I'll just continue in a day or two. Wheeee....

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