Monday, December 22, 2008

Tokyo Jedi.

Awright. I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of weeks cobbling together a bunch of footage that I took of myself mostly while walking to work. So, this footage was entirely taken with my crappy camera and then edited together and layered with various effects. The basic story behind the movie is that my mom wanted me to take a lot of pictures of Tokyo...I thought the easiest way to do that would be to take 30 frames of movie per second. That's a lot of pictures, Mom. All of these locations are very close to my house or work and I see most of them almost every day.

Anyway. I like the idea of creative Christmas presents, and I thought I'd give my friends and family this small gift instead of tangible stuff. It kind of fits in well with some of my ideas about intellectual property, as well. I hope you like it. It's not great, but I did the best I could with the tools that I have.


A Tokyo Jedi from Ryan on Vimeo.


K-Ren said...

Holy shit Ryan......It's great to see your smiling face! What a great idea. An excellent execution as usual, you perfectionist you! ;D

Unknown said...

I love it!! I miss you!

Unknown said...

That shit is so fucking great!! Love Love love it! You know we'll need a sequel soon.

Unknown said...

Spekkktakular. I'm going to agree to agree with K-Ren, Sara, and great to not only see my BRUVA, but to also see you in such a brilliantly creative light...LOVE & RESPECT

Alyse said...

This is AWESOME!!!!! You have a second calling! Please, please send us more! Tokyo looks like so much fun. Looks like making the video was fun!

Anonymous said...

Ryan, this is fabulous. What a perfect Christmas present!
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Loved IT, Ryan! Love you! Dad
P.S. I believe I have some Fatboy Roberts stashed here somewhere!

Unknown said...

very nice, sir

merry christmas

Anonymous said...

Wow Ryan, this is brilliant!
August broke out the dance moves to this! We want more...
love, the Witt family