Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The gig.

As promised, here is my update on the job situation.

I started yesterday at 8am, and everything went as expected, for the most part. I saw 3 clients in a row, guided by my co-worker, John, who recruited me after a night of drinking on my first night in Tokyo. Don't ever say that partying with jet-lag in Tokyo never did anyone any good, because I am living proof that you are a liar.

So, yes. I owe John a beer.

My work with the clients largely consists of just talking to them and occasionally, gently, correcting their English. It's not hard work or particularly challenging. I have a largely intuitive grasp of English, but it's a very solid grasp and I can explain the whys and hows, in the cases where there are any...because, as we all know, English is a fucked up language, grammatically speaking. There are also workbook exercises that we can go through, if the student wishes to, but I think they are more interested in stimulating conversation than anything. Most of them are referred to the school by Toshiba, which has a manufacturing plant very nearby. So, I talk to managers, engineers, programmers, etc. It's actually interesting because I get to talk about technology, one of my great loves, as well as business and economics. It seems like a good place for a nerd to be, and I'm making a fairly ridiculous wage for how little actual work is involved. I need more hours to make that wage count for anything, but anything is better than nothing, at this point.

After work today, I tried and failed to cash a check at a local bank...apparently I need an account, much like the United States. Oddly enough, though, it's a cashier's check, which should just be Maybe I'll try again tomorrow at the post office, which apparently doubles as a banking institution in Japan. Don't ask. The bad part about banking is that I feel like a moron every time I go inside because my Japanese sucks. I can often say what I need to with decent accuracy, but my listening comprehension is terrible. Practice, I guess.

After the failed attempt at banking, I came home and watched some TV shows that I had downloaded to my laptop, and then I headed down to the river, which is just a few steps from my house, and watched the most amazing sunset. So beautiful. I've included some pictures, for you, my beloved readers. I think fall is almost here, although it is so slow, so very slow, to come to Tokyo. The trees near my house, on the banks of Edogawa, the Edo River, are starting to take on a slightly golden cast, and I hope to see reds and golds and bright yellows very soon.


1 comment:

K-Ren said...

I have yet to see this clean shaven white button shirt wearing Ryan. I am not sure if I believe in his existence.