Friday, October 10, 2008

The Journey, Part 2.

So, as predicted, the sleeping didn't really happen. I'm currently riding on an express bus across Tokyo. As before, I do not have an active internet connection, but I will post this at the earliest available opportunity.

I was met at the airport by Yukari and Mariko, friends from this summer's program. They live close to the Narita airport, which is convenient, and they seem to like me all right, so everything is working out well. It was really nice to see some very friendly faces. I didn't have any problems at all with customs and immigration, so that was a bit of unnecessary worrying. All in all, though, I've done remarkably little unnecessary worrying about this trip, so I think I'm probably due for at least a little. In any case, I'm good here for 90 days with no hassles. Now, for a job...

So far Tokyo doesn't look that different than any other big city*, although we are riding in the left side of the lane. Also, I've seen the airport and a small stretch of highway, so I think I'll withhold judgment for a minute. As the plane flew over Japan, I did notice that the countryside looks really different than the United States. American farms have carefully parceled out chunks of individuality. The farm has a big, square plot with a farmhouse, a barn, and a few outbuildings, a remnant of colonial and 19th century surveying practices. Go homesteaders! Japanese farmland, by contrast, is sliced into smaller parcels that are bordered by houses, water, and trees. From the air, it's actually quite beautiful. The plots and housing developments seem to follow the natural shape of the land, instead of imposing a grand new order upon it.

*Tokyo looks way the hell different than other cities. That statement was premature.

I'll put up another update in a day or two, my internet access is limited and expensive, so far.

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