Monday, October 20, 2008


This blog is for me and mine, and I'm setting it to private in the next day or two. Invites will be sent out to the email addresses of my friends and loved ones at the exact instant that it goes private. I have no preconditions for who may see this blog, so please feel free to send me an email if I forget or neglect to include you in the initial list of invitees. If you want to be part of my life, you are invited.

You will need a Google (ie. Gmail address) account to view the blog on an indefinite basis...I'll be happy to set one up for those who need help. I'll leave this post up for a day or two until I set the blog to private, so feel free to leave me questions or comments, either here or at my email address.

I am a very lucky man. My support network here and at home is very deep and very wide. You know who you are, and you have my deepest gratitude and love. I am open and warm and loving, and you are my reward. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. I want you to have this window into my mind and my experiences. I want to share them with you without restraint.

It is cool and rainy here tonight. Fall comes late to Tokyo, but, if I close my eyes, it sounds and feels like home.

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