Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I have my first week in Tokyo pretty well planned out, now, I guess. As previously mentioned, my first 2 nights will be spent in the western part of Tokyo, followed by camping somewhere (?) in Japan. Not sure what that will look like, yet.

The new twist is that I'll be apparently going to a job interview on Friday. It's through the same recruiter that I nearly had a job with in August of this year, a job that failed to pan out and, as such, pretty deeply screwed my life up in ways that I will probably be feeling the fallout from for years. Naturally, I'll have to shave and get a haircut for the interview, which, of course, I fucking hate. However, having a job is way, way more important than not having a job for the sake of being resentful about barbarically scraping my face, so I will suck it up and do what is necessary. The gig is apparently in a pretty loaded neighborhood in Tokyo, and it sounds like I will probably get a housing stipend as a part of my contract in order to cover the outrageous housing costs, so it could end up being a pretty sweet deal, especially given the potential for lucrative private tutoring. We will see what happens, won't we?

Following the camping and interview, I'll be spending a couple of nights with one of the campers, couchsurfing at his place...following that, it looks like I have an apartment lined up in the eastern part of Tokyo for at least a month. It's conveniently located near some of my Japanese contacts, so that will be nice in the short term, anyway, although it will suck if I'm working in western Tokyo and commuting from eastern Tokyo. Guess we'll find out...

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