Sunday, October 26, 2008


So, I've been editing internet pages for a company out of the Bay Area, and I pretty much despise it with every fiber in my being. I'm being paid jack shit to fix up the worst English you've ever seen. I haven't been paid this little since I did factory work in Decorah. So, yeah. Think I'll be quitting tomorrow.

I start work Tuesday and I'm really excited to get out into the world and out of this apartment. I'm also going to make a doctor's appointment sometime soon, and set up all the financing in advance through my insurance company and the hospital. It would suck to get hit with a huge bill...I'd rather not do that.

Karen sent me a long email yesterday reflecting on our time together, and I feel, somehow, that I missed the boat on something really good with her. It seems like my timing sucks all the time right now, at this point in my life, and I don't know what to do about that. I've been living in the past and the future so much, lately, that I haven't taken much time to take stock of the present. I guess maybe the grass is always greener wherever you aren't, but it's really easy to play the what-if game. After the way things have gone down with Maria, though, I don't think it's a bad idea to take some time off and take stock of my place in the world and my emotional development. It's so odd to me, though, that someone who I met only a handful of weeks ago would provide me with so much support and love, and that someone who called herself my best friend could offer so little. Life is filled with these weird little surprises, I guess. Some really good, others...not so much.


K-Ren said...


Unknown said...

Good luck today, Ryan!! We are all rooting for you :)